Tuesday, February 22, 2011

aspiring DJ?

You never read this! I'm alone on the internet! Talking to myself in a dark room. But hey, if you do somehow manage to stumble on this empty corner of the interenet where even I seldomly frequent, Make a comment, click a link.
I've been listening to more music lately. I blame Heidi. I've also been sick with what doctors call bronchitus. I blame Heidi. In any case, I've been making a few playlists that I felt fit a mood I was going for. So, I'll post one here and there. They usually take a day to make, so don't get all antsy!
In any case, have one:

Simply titled "good stuff" A gathering of mellow tunes and songs that speak to my soul in profound way. More of a journey than a playlist. I hope you find it as nice as I do.

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